Sunday, July 6, 2008

4th of July Weekend

We had such a blast over the 4th of July weekend. The parade in Eureka was excellent as you can tell by the candy bowl that Molly has. She also had a great time in the foot races where she came in just out of the money for her age group. She also got 37 nickels in the nickel scramble. It was also great for us as we got to go mullet watching. Check out the Mississippi Mudflaps, Camaro Hair, Kentucky Waterfall, Shorty Longback. Well, that one was the best one of the bunch. I tried to imitate it later as we all dressed up, I just ended up looking like the lead singer from Alabama. If you could not tell, Molly looked just like Hannah Montana. Molly also had a blast as she played on Dirt Mountain (A bunch of dirt that had been moved in preparation for our foundation for our new house). Check out how dirty she was. She would roll down the little hill, and dust would just fly everywhere. The fourth of July in Eureka really is the best celebration around.

1 comment:

M&M_Mama said...

You have a terrific past time...mullet watching. A great family activity for all. HA. My favorite was Shorty Longback. And Steve...."ROLL ON!"